Since we met April………………….

I thought it was only fair (but really biased 😉 ) that my first post on my new website was of our daughter. Our own “Little Ray of Sunshine” was welcomed into the world on Mothers Day last year and April Ruth was the best present I could have ever wished for…………………………….…… all 9 pounds of her (!!!!!)
It was a long time coming to add to our family but April is definitely worth the wait. We couldn’t imagine life without her. As every parent knows there are always some tough days but the wonderful, fantastic, amazing days outnumber them tenfold. April brings so much joy to our lives and it is such a thrill looking back on the photos over the months of her life. We could never dream of her getting so big and now looking back it is so hard to remember her being that small. What a treasure it is to have these photos to remind us.
Ohhh such beautiful photos! You’re such a talented photographer Jen. Looking forward to future posts 🙂
April is truly adorable, such cute photos. Can’t wait for more posts :o)
Your talent is so inspiring… and your website is such a treat to visit my lovely Jen… as is your gorgeous April. X
These are adorable, that large black and white one is a KILLER!!!! You have an amazing talent, one that I have admired for a long time. So very very happy for you.
You’re truly one in a million Jen!!! You inspire me totally!!! You produce MAGICAL ART!!!!!
Not only you’ll be our family photographer forever, but a dear friend till the end of time!!!! xxx.
PS. You guys make gorgeous babies, too, by the way!!!